It's actually a lot easier than you think to reduce emissions. For one thing, have you ever taken a close look at City Hall? There are a lot of Incandescent Light bulbs still being used, which is a real waste of both energy and money. When you consider the fact that a florescent light bulb costs a little bit more but uses less energy and lasts for about 4 years, it makes a lot of sense. Small steps such as that will help.
We also have laws stating buses and trucks are not allowed to idle in the city of Philadelphia, but the law is rarely enforced. As someone with Asthma, I know first hand how difficult it can be to breath in this city because of all the smoke and fumes that are pumped into the air, and as the third worst city in America to live with Asthma, I'm not alone in that. We will actively enforce the anti-idling ordinance and increase the fines for those who break it!
We may only recycle 5% of our trash, but that doesn't mean much when we don't look at the system itself. First and foremost, we need to do a study on just how much pollution is being created by our recycling plants. On average, most recycling plants tend to create more pollution than they prevent. If this is the case, we need to invest in reforming and looking into ways to decrease our pollution output from these plants. A full life-cycle analysis of our recycling programs may reduce the risk of unintended environmental consequences.
We also need to increase and streamline the recycling process. A city-wide weekly recycling program would encourage more people to recycle since it would be put out the same day as their trash. While more research needs to be done to see if a single-bin system would actually work, we do need to bring back the ability to recycle plastic curbside. Even though there is research proving that plastic is inferior in a recycled state, it still has multiple good uses and does not decompose for a long period of time.
Not only are vacant industrial sites eyesores and havens for crime, but they also contain large amounts of trash, waste, and can often hold hazardous chemicals. The public will be made aware of these properties, and will be notified of a quick and safe clean-up of these properties.
It's very, very simple: We need to make sure we all have clean water to drink, to swim in, and enjoy. We need to commit to eliminating basement sewage backups and establish a city-wide program to cover property damaged by sewer system failures. We need to look more at green infrastructure technologies, including Green Roofs, Rain Gardens that hold and hold back rainwater, and reduce the overflows from the city sewer system. We also need the Streets Department and people in our communities to focus on making sure storm drains remain clean and free of trash and debris.
In it, we put one trash can in every 2 block radius. We begin to hire local citizens to in neighborhoods to make sure the area stays clean and that they create a sense of community pride. If people are more involved with their communities, they'll want to make sure it stays good.
Philadelphia has an increasingly growing problem with air pollution, and cars are a large part of the problem. Like the federal government, we need to look into alternative fuel solutions to clean the air. Any car that uses Hybrid, Bio diesel, or diesel fuel will reduce the overall emissions let into the air and help air quality. Philadelphia, if not the rest of the country, needs more of these vehicles on the road! So I am proposing a two-pronged solution:
1. Owners will be given a special pass for parking garages and lots to let them receive a 25% discount on their parking.
2. Owners will be given a discount on the sales tax at the time of purchase of their car of only 3% if the car is sold in the City of Philadelphia.